Working Together

I provide analytical services backed by my uncompromising dedication to doing whatever it takes. Once our strategy is developed, I have a range of products, tools, and resources available to implement the most effective solution.

My approach

My approach is straightforward but in-depth, especially when it comes to fact finding. I'll spend a lot of time upfront, and you will be involved in the process.

Discovery – Do you have a 401k? What are your current investments? When do you plan on retiring? I first need to ask a lot of questions and truly understand who you are and what your goals are. We'll review your current financial status including life insurance, assets, and budget. You will be directly involved in this step. I might even ask you to do some homework to help gather facts and figures.

  • Analysis – Then I review and analyze all of your input to develop the most effective customized strategy for you.

  • Recommendation – Together, we go through our options and solutions in detail. Of course, throughout the entire process your questions will be answered.

  • Implementation – The custom-designed strategy will be implemented, and we will monitor its progress. Periodic meetings will be scheduled for review and to facilitate any necessary adjustments.

I believe in the power of technology, its convenience and analytical prowess. I also believe in the human touch, especially in financial services. There is a greater power in the connection of people.

I will work with you as a person, and together we'll develop solid financial solutions customized to your needs. To me, it's collaboration and long-term relationships, never just a transaction.

Ask me, please! Finances can be confusing. I believe asking questions and straight-forward answers are the cornerstone of a successful relationship. The more you share, the more I can help.

Many resources at your service. I have all the resources of New York Life behind me from website apps, retirement and life insurance calculators to tips and articles on growing families, investment concepts, and more.

Neither New York Life Insurance Company, nor its agents provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, or accounting professionals before making any decisions.